Hot water is coming!
The people of Suðurnes can expect hot water to start flowing to their houses by noon today.
This is what Páll Erland, CEO of HS Veitur, tells, as repairs are expected to be completed on the heating supply pipeline from Svartsengi and hot water has started to flow into the tanks at Fitjar.
While repairing and connecting the Njarðvík bypass pipeline, from Svartsengi to Fitjar, the preparations were underway last night to start the systems in the municipalities, Erland said.
Houses closest to Fitjar get water first
“Towards the morning, water started flowing into heating tanks and residents can expect hot water to start flowing into houses before noon.”
First, water will begin to flow to the houses closest to Fitjar, and then, as the day progresses, employees of HS Veitur will work tirelessly to bring hot water to the entire area in the 24 hours.
Mindful of frost damages
Erland says that the work that HS Veitur employees have done in the last few days to bring hot water into the systems by tank trucks will speed up the delivery of hot water to as many houses as possible.
He says that homeowners need to be mindful if frost damage has occurred to the fixtures. If that is the case, they must close their water supply to their homes and contact HS Veitur’s Customer Center.