Avalanche danger, weather warnings and flight delays

The road to Siglufjörður by Strákagöng tunnel this morning.

The road to Siglufjörður by Strákagöng tunnel this morning. Photo/Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration

The risk of avalanches was expected to increase due to snowfall during the night and the subsequent snowstorm.

Therefore, the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration has placed three roads at the so-called uncertainty level. Two roads in North Iceland and one road in the Westfjords.

The weather forecast is bad tonight and this morning.

Orange warning: Expect strong gusts

Last night the Road Administration’s uncertainty level was applied to Siglufjörður road and Ólafsfjörður múli road starting at 21.30 until 4 this morning. Strong gusts were to be expected and from 4 am this morning the uncertainty level was declared in Súðavíkurhlíð by Ísafjarðardjúp in the Westfjords.

It should be noted that the risk of avalanches is relevant to these roads, but it is not considered a a threat near settlements.

The wind forecast at 9 am this morning.

The wind forecast at 9 am this morning. Map/Icelandic Met Office

A significant risk could be created

According to an expert at the Met Office's avalanche division, warm temperatures will create a risk early tomorrow.

In the west, there is not much snow, but it is forecast to be a brisk precipitation and warm temperatures in the evening. In the north, temperatures had started to warm and there will be a considerable amount of warmth after midnight.

In addition, there could be considerable risk, but there has been snowfall in recent days, although it is not considered to be heavy snow compared to the what it can be this time of year. However, in this kind of weather, there is considerable risk on the roads.


Fjarðarheiði. Photo/Sent to mbl.is

Fjarðarheiði road is closed, as are the roads through Möðrudalsöræfi and Dynjandisheiði. Öxnadalsheiði is also uncertain and could be closed shortly, according to the roads Administration.

No information has been received about possible road openings.

Delay travels until after midday if possible

On a general level, road users across the country are asked to follow weather forecasts and the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration suggests delaying travel beyond noon if possible.

“Weather-related weather conditions are in effect on roads around most of Iceland.” A storm was expected to hit the whole country last night and this morning, and yellow and orange weather alerts from the Icelandic Met Office will be in effect in many places as early as 4:00 am the website of the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration states, but the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration’s meteorologist also draws attention to the swift winds:

“The sun is a very warm and windy day, with strong winds and warm temperatures both night and morning. The winds are moving rapidly across the country, with very gentle, low-lying winds.”

Delays might impact flight schedules this morning, but should be …

Delays might impact flight schedules this morning, but should be back on track late this morning or at noon. Composite image

Expect delays if flying abroad

Travellers flying abroad should check their flights in time, because due to the weather delays are to be expected this morning, both with Icelandair and Play Air, but it should go back on course during the day when the weather calms .




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