More passengers in spite of earthquake activity in the Reykjanes peninsula

Icelandair airplane at Keflavík airport.

Icelandair airplane at Keflavík airport.örður Sveinsson

Icelandair carried 13% more passengers in November than in the same month of 2021, despite the negative impact of foreign media coverage of the earthquake on Reykjanes peninsula.

The passenger numbers increased the most, by 37%, in the North Atlantic market in Iceland.

This year the company has carried four million passengers which is a 17% increase compared to the same period last year.

According to a press release from Icelandair, 282 thousand passengers arrived in November. 36% of those passengers were travelling to Iceland, 16% from Iceland, 40% travelled via Iceland on their way between Europe and North America, and 8% travelled within Iceland.

Better seat occupancy than last year

Seat occupancy was 75.4%, 1.9 percentage points higher than in 2021, and punctuality was 84.5%.

The announcement quotes the CEO of Icelandair, Bogi Nils Bogason, as saying that airflight  supply has increased by 12% since the previous year.

“This success was achieved despite the negative impact that the foreign media’s coverage of the Reykjanes peninsula earthquakes had on booking. That situation can still affect bookings and revenues in the short term, but in the long term, the booking flow is returning to its former state,” the CEO said, saying he was proud of Icelandair’s employees.


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