Seismic activity stable since midnight

The map shows the estimated area of the magma tunnel …

The map shows the estimated area of the magma tunnel by Grindavík. Map/Icelandic Met Office

Around 900 earthquakes have been detected in the area around Grindavík since midnight. Seismic activity in the epicenter has been stable since November 11. This is stated in a notice from the Icelandic Met Office.

The seismic activity is spread through the southern part of the tunnel between Sundhnúkar crater row and Grindavík at a depth of about 2-5 km.

Rescue teams are on standby near Grindavík.

Rescue teams are on standby near Grindavík. Jóhannesson

Main magma up-flow area at the centre of the magma channel

The deformation is still slow. The most abundant deformation is at the centre of the main channel at Sundhnúkur, where the main upstream area of magma is considered to be.

According to the Met Office, activity in and around Grindavík is virtually unchanged since yesterday. All measurement systems are monitored carefully in real-time, especially around Grindavík, which could indicate changes in the situation.

A few bigger earthquakes have had its source just off …

A few bigger earthquakes have had its source just off Eldey outside of the Reykjanes peninsula. Map/The Icelandic Met Office

The biggest earthquakes now near Eldey

The largest earthquakes that have hit in the last few hours are now being measured close to Eld-ey, southwest of Reykjanes. At 3.46 am, a magnitude 3.4 earthquake hit, the largest in nearly twelve hours.

Elísa­bet Pálma­dóttir­, a natural-hazard specialist at the Icelandic Met Office, says there are earthquakes on both sides of the dike that lies underneath Grinda­vík, one side of Klei­far­vatn and the other side of the southwestern tip of Reykja­nes on the Reykja­nes­ peninsula.




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