The turnout at Arnarhóll is huge

Leading up to the meeting at Arnarhóll a crowd of …

Leading up to the meeting at Arnarhóll a crowd of women and genderqueers were filling up Arnarhóll. Jóhannesson

Women and the genderqueers are now coming in large numbers down to the city center of Reykjavik to Arnarhóll where the formal programme of the women’s strike started at 14 AM.

As soon as one o’clock people started to come to Arnarhóll and settle down there, but after 13:30 the numbers started increasing dramatically.

Many groups of women gathered all around the city before the meeting, both in their homes and in the city cafés or at solidarity meetings.

The agenda for the fight-back session is as follows:

Presenters: Ólafía Hrönn and Aldís Amah Hamilton will be presenting the meeting.

Music: Sódaskapur (a punk band made up of three young women), Ragga Gísladóttir and Una Torfadóttir (singing a crowd-pleasing song, ‘Áfram stelpur’).

It was packed when the meeting started.

It was packed when the meeting started.ðar


Urður Barthels- a young genderqueer student from MH

Guðbjörg Pálsdóttir - Chair of the Nurses’ Association

Alice Oli­via C­lar­ke - runs the company Tíra reflective Accessories

Another: A diverse group performance on the equal rights paradise of women and gender-queers Iceland.

The pre-meeting of BHM Union was so packed that a …

The pre-meeting of BHM Union was so packed that a lot of women could not get in.ðar

Packed in Cinema Paradise for a pre-meeting of BHM union

Fewer people could get in than wanted to go to Bíó Paradís when BHM held its solidarity meeting today. Speeches, music and group singing were amongst the things that were offered.

The iconic song “Áfram stelpur” was heard out on the street when the reporter came there. Elísa Jóhannsdóttir, education and promotion officer at BHM, was talking before the group was heading to the solidarity meeting of the Women’s Day Off is being held.

Elísa, Vigdís og Þorgerður after the meeting in Cinema Paradise …

Elísa, Vigdís og Þorgerður after the meeting in Cinema Paradise ended today.ðar

One can estimate that well over a three hundred women was in the area, and Jóhannsdóttir says she was surprised by how many people came. “There’s a lot of solidarity in the community, and it wouldn’t be like this if women and men didn’t find themselves in what’s being said,” she says.

Jóhannsdóttir says that the me too revolution has also made its mark, and the repeated wage gaps that show gender-based wage differences. “There are a lot of people who have had enough.”


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