Three big earthquakes since midnight

The earth is still shaking in the quake zone between …

The earth is still shaking in the quake zone between Fagradalsfjall and Keilir in the Reykjanes peninsula.þór Árnason

Three major quakes have been reported since midnight on the Reykjanes peninsula. The first was a magnitude 4.1, which occurred just after midnight last night, and the second a magnitude 4.2, about halfway through this morning.

Then, just before half past nine this morning, a quake struck, indicating that it was above 4.2 magnitude.

No volcanic turbulence is still measured, and it appears that the magma is still trying to break through the crust, according to a natural hazards expert at the Met Office. Yesterday’s quakes were triggered by earthquakes in areas outside the magma dike.

The quake is located at a depth of less than one kilometre and it is difficult at this stage to specify the depth more accurately than that. The earth trembled yesterday and the largest quake was felt well in the capital area, which was 4.5 magnitude.




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