Keflavik Airport receives international recognition for good service

Keflavík Airport receives recognition for good serivice the fifth year …

Keflavík Airport receives recognition for good serivice the fifth year in a row.​Hari

Keflavík International Airport is one of the best airports in Europe when it comes to service quality in its size category which is 5-15 million passengers per year. This is the result of an international survey of services conducted by the International Airports Association (ACI), which is conducted in nearly 300 airports around the world every year.

Keflavík Airport has participated in the Airport Service Quality Programme (ASQ) service survey for nearly two decades and the airport has been recognized over ten times and now for the fifth consecutive year.

Keflavík International Airport is one of the seven European airports in its category that receive the highest average score in the survey and is therefore recognized. Other airports recognized in the same category are Malta International Airport, Ankara Esenboga Airport in Turkey, Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport in Serbia, the Porto Airport, Milan Bergamo Airport in Italy and Thessaloniki Airport in Greece.

The Airport Service Quality Programme (ASQ) is the most prestigious and significant measurement of airport service quality. When conducting the survey, passengers at airports around the world are asked standard questions about 31 service elements and the overall satisfaction and well-being of the passengers at the airport at the time the survey was administered. The comparison is comprehensive and consistent, both between airports and between years. The survey is conducted at 291 airports worldwide, 109 of which are located in Europe. Keflavík airport is amongst 35 airports in its category, i.e. the category of European airports with 5-15 million passengers per year. Jóhannesson

“With this recognition, we and all other operators in the airport community at Keflavík International Airport are reaping the rewards of what has been sown in recent years,” stated Sveinbjörn Indriðason, the CEO of Isavia.

“Keflavík airport is judged on all the activities that take place there, whether that’s the case with the management of Isavia or the activities that includes police, customs or operators of restaurants, shops, airlines, bus companies or car rentals. We take pride in this recognition, which shows that despite the construction and traffic during peak times, we have been successful in providing good service.”

Indriðason says that the future will give Keflavík International Airport the opportunity to provide even better service to people. “The current developments and the building work that lies ahead in the coming years will allow us to provide even better service to people. The expansion of the airport is for passengers and the airport community and we can’t wait to offer even better.”

"The passenger is the centre of everything and that is reflected in the Airport Service Quality (ASQ) project," says Luis Felipe de Oliveira, Director of ACI World, adding that travelers have expressed their belief that these airports have made progress in providing an excellent passenger experience. "The ASQ project not only measures and benchmarks but also gives airports of any size the opportunity to learn and do better so they can reach new heights in the passenger experience."

The ACI announced the results today, with the award being given out at a ceremony at the organization's service conference in Incheon City, South Korea, in September.


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