Iceland‘s main ICU strained by new Covid-19 cases

Of the seven Covid-19 patients in ICU four are on …

Of the seven Covid-19 patients in ICU four are on ventilators. Ljósmynd/Landspítalinn

The Intensive Care Unit of the National University Hospital of Iceland (Landspitali) is being strained by the recent increase in Covid-19 cases. reports that currently 30 people are hospitalized with Covid-19, thereof 7 in intensive care and 23 in the Emergency Department. Of the Covid-19 patients in intensive care 4 had been fully vaccinated and 4 are connected to a ventilator.

According to the Landspitali the average age of hospitalized Covid-19 patients is 65 years.

Of the 23 in the emergency department 17 are fully vaccinated and 6 are unvaccinated. During the ongoing fourth wave 73 people have been hospitalized with Covid-19, with a third of them being unvaccinated. A total of 11 people have been treated in the intensive care unit, 6 of them fully vaccinated.

To help the Landspitali ICU and Emergency Department better cope with the influx of Covid-19 patients measures have been taken to move some patients to the Health Care Institution of South Iceland (Heilbrigðisstofnun Suðurlands) in the town of Selfoss, and the Suðurnes Hospital and Health Center (Heilbrigðisstofnun Suðurnesja) in the town of Keflavik.

The statistics published on the information website show a slight downward trend in new Covid-19 cases in Iceland, with about a third of those testing positive for the virus being unvaccinated. According to the latest figures 83 positive cases were detected in the most recent 24 hour window. 1.791 people have been asked to isolate and 1.304 are in quarantine.

The domestic 14-day incidence of new cases per 100.000 inhabitants currently stands at 402.2.




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