Face Masks Required in Secondary Schools and Universities

Reykjavík University.

Reykjavík University.

Vala Hafstað

As a result of a sudden surge in the number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases in Iceland in recent days, the use of face masks is as of today required in all secondary schools and both universities in the capital area. For the same reason, the closure of all bars and night clubs in the capital area, which came into effect on Friday, will be extended through September 27, Morgunblaðið reports.

On Friday, the number of new confirmed domestic cases rose to 75, on Saturday they were 38, and yesterday, 30 cases were confirmed, according to covid.is .

The Ministry of Education posted new guidelines yesterday, stating that the use of face masks is required for students, teachers/professors and other employees of secondary schools and universities in school/university buildings.

From the University of Iceland.

From the University of Iceland. Photo/Kristinn Magnússon

The ministry, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, has secured secondary schools access to between 20 and 25 thousand face masks, which were delivered to them by Landspítali National University Hospital this morning. This, the statement from the Ministry of Education reads, is done to ensure that classroom instruction can continue.

The need for the use of face masks in schools outside the capital area will be assessed when the conditions arise.

COVID-19 cases have in recent days been confirmed at several large work places in Iceland, including Landspítali National University Hospital where at least eight employees have tested positive for the virus. Two hundred of the hospital’s employees are now in quarantine, awaiting the results of screening.




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