Two-Meter Rule Optional in Iceland

People dancing in Öskjuhlíð overnight.

People dancing in Öskjuhlíð overnight. Photo/Árni Steinn Viggósson

Vala Hafstað

New rules regarding public gatherings took effect in Iceland today. The maximum number of people allowed to gather at a time has increased from 50 to 200.

Today, bars and night clubs reopen, but they must close every night by 11 pm.

Fitness centers opened again today. World Class fitness centers opened at midnight. No lines formed overnight, but by 5:30, numerous people had arrived.

Fitness centers will only be allowed to operate at 50 percent capacity in terms of number of guests. By June 15, they, as well as swimming pools, will most likely be able to operate at full capacity.

Photo/Árni Steinn Viggósson

As of today, the two-meter social distancing rule is optional.

A group of people, eager to take advantage of the easing of restrictions, gathered outdoors in Öskjuhlíð, Reykjavík, late last night, reports. Up to 200 people are believed to have participated. The festivities continued into the morning hours.


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