Second case of Coronavirus in Iceland

It is expected that it might take some time to …

It is expected that it might take some time to contact all passengers and are they asked to wait patiently.þór

A new case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in Iceland. A sample from a man in his fifties who arrived from Verona, Italy, yesterday with Icelandair was found positive for COVID-19 infection this afternoon.

As of today, two cases have now been confirmed in Iceland.

A press release from the Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management states that the man had minor symptoms yesterday and even fewer symptoms today.

The risk assessment for travels to and from Italy has now been changed and Italy as a whole has now been defined as an area with high risk of infection. Therefore, the chief epidemiologist recommends all passengers who were on board the aircraft to stay in home-based quarantine for 14 days, also all travelers arriving from Italy as of Saturday the 29th of February.

Not to call unless they have symptoms

All those in quarantine should contact 1700 (+354 544-4113 for foreign numbers) if they develop symptoms, even if the symptoms are mild.

The Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management and the chief epidemiologist's staff will tonight start contact tracing. All these individuals will be informed tonight and receive guidelines on home-based quarantine.

These individuals are urged not to call 1700 or 112 unless they experience symptoms (cough, fever and muscle pain). It is expected that it might take some time to contact all passengers and are they asked to wait patiently.


Light snow


-1 °C


Later today

3 °C



8 °C

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