President ready for Reykjavík Marathon

Guðni Th. Jóhannesson forseti var hvattur áfram af fjölda áhorfenda …

Guðni Th. Jóhannesson forseti var hvattur áfram af fjölda áhorfenda í maraþoninu í fyrra.Árni Sæberg

The president of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, announced on his Facebook page today that he intends to run a half marathon (21 km, 13.1 mi) in the Reykjavík Marathon this Saturday. According to the Icelandic Athletic Federation, this will be the 14th year in a row that the president participates in a half marathon in Reykjavík and the 16th time he participates in the event.

The president already completed a half marathon in the Dettifoss Trail Run (Jökulsárhlaup) on Saturday. In today’s Facebook post, he writes, “The second part of the marathon shall be completed in Reykjavík this weekend.”

According to, Guðni’s record time in a half marathon in the Reykjavík Marathon was in 2014, when he completed the distance in 1:39:58, but most of the time, he has run the distance in between 1:40 and two hours.

The Reykjavík Marathon takes place for the 35th time on August 18th. It attracts large crowds every year, and most of the runners run in support of various charities.




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