Skiing in Iceland in the midnight sun

Lindsey Vonn var very happy with her skiing experience in …

Lindsey Vonn var very happy with her skiing experience in Iceland in the midnight sun. Screenshot/Instagram

Lindsey Vonn, one of the most successful female skier in the world, posted a video from her stay in Iceland this summer on The Kelly Clarkson show recently. The video was taken in Tröllaskagi at 1 AM where she went skiing. Clarkson really liked the video but wasn't sure if she would attempt such a feat.

"This was one of the craziest experiences I've ever had, to go to the top of the mountain in a helicopter and then go skiing down after midnight at one o'clock in the morning," said Vonn in the interview.

Not more dangerous than competing

Clarkson was worried about this being a dangerous thingto do, but her friend, the actress Chelsea Handler pointed out that partaking in skiing competitions were far more dangerous than skiing down mountains like this one. 

Vonn agreed with Handler and said there was not a single tree on the way down, but she had to steer clear of rocks on the way down. 




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