Lava could flow towards a main road

The lava could flow over the pass today or tomorrow.

The lava could flow over the pass today or tomorrow. Ljósmynd/Loftmyndir ehf.

Lava from the eruption at Fagradalsfjall has almost reached the pass in the eastern part of Meradalir and it looks like it would flow in the direction of  Suðurstrandarvegur. It is approximately four kilometers from the pass to the road and it could take the lava anywhere from two to three weeks – or even just a few days – to flow to the road, if the volcanic eruption maintains the same power. This information was related from Ármann Jökulsson volcanologist to 

He says that the production of the eruption is now 15 square meters per second, which is similar as it has been in recent days.

It is a possibility that the lava will flow over a walking path which is in the hills of Fagradalsfjall and it could also cover an area where a fiber optic cable has been installed in the ground.




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