Reykjanes peninsula on alert because of a series of earthquakes

Northeast of Fagradalsfjall is where most of the activity has …

Northeast of Fagradalsfjall is where most of the activity has been detected today. Jóhannesson

“Specialists are saying that it looks like magma eruption could be causing the earthquakes. Either this will die down or the magma will find a way to the surface. More small earthquakes would suggest that.”

This is what the geologist and former member of Parliament, Ari Trausti Guðmundsson, writes on his Facebook page about the series of earthquakes in the Reykjanes peninsula today.

A wall that has been built by the lava at …

A wall that has been built by the lava at the southof Merardalir for safety. Freyja

He points out that at 16:30 PM there had already 465 earthquakes been detected, and a lot of them were 4-8 km below the surface, a few over 10 km and quite a few had their source 1-4 km under the surface. Data from the so called detection system, “Earthquake-Alice”, which monitors earthquakes at the Met Office shows this and it looks like the source is somewhere on a northeast linejust north of Merardalir and 3-4 km northeast of Fagradalsfjall.

A screenshot from Earthquake-Alice today.

A screenshot from Earthquake-Alice today. Screenshot

At 16:33 there was an earthquake that was clearly felt in the Reykjavík area at 3.1M and 2.3 km under the surface. Webcams from the area are being monitored in case of an eruption, especially if there is a break in the series of earthquakes, but that could a cue signifying a possible eruption.

Encouraging people to be careful

The Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management issued an uncertainty level warning today because of the earthquakes, especially in Krýsuvík because of incoming and outgoing flights, but main activity is, however,northeast of Fagradalsfjall.

Special alert in the Krýsuvík area because of flight traffic.

Special alert in the Krýsuvík area because of flight traffic.

People in the area are encouraged to make sure no lose objects in their homes could fall down, in case of a strong earthquake, especially around beds when people are sleeping.

Furthermore, people are warned about possible mudslides in steep areas, and hikers and others in the outdoors should be aware of an added danger at this time.

Sandfell at the front, behind it in the middle Fagradalsfjall …

Sandfell at the front, behind it in the middle Fagradalsfjall can be seen.úli Halldórsson

Closely monitoring the area

Authorities are closely monitoring the area to be prepared if something happens that might be a treat to the residents living in the vicinity.

While specialists were meeting to go over protocols, there was a 4M earthquake that was clearly felt at the meeting at 2 PM today.

Here it is possible to see live footage from three vantage points in the area:




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