Midnight Sun Nightwater Festival celebrated next weekend

Anup Gurung and Mirto Menghetti are the organizers of The …

Anup Gurung and Mirto Menghetti are the organizers of The Midnight Sun Nightwater Festival. Samsett mynd.

There will be a lot going on next weekend on June 24th-25th in the North of Iceland when the Midnight Sun Whitewater Festival will be held after a two year hiatus. The festival begins with a midnight rafting down the spectacular canyon of Jökulsá-Austari , which is a novel experience not many have experienced. River rafting is very popular, but in this location the magnitude of the nordic nature adds another level.

Þorkell Þorkelsson

The organizers of the festival are Anup Gur­ung and Mirto Meng­hetti. They say that this year there festival will be amazing. "This year the summer solstice weekend will be top notch with live music, great food, camping, prices and exciting competitions."

The popular Fire & Ice competition will be held in the Festial, but it is the biggest international kajak sailing event in Iceland. The competition starts in Hörgá and finishes in Barká,were professions sail down waterfalls.

Here below is a video from the last Midnight Sun Whitewater Festival that was held in 2019.


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