Day of Icelandic Nature Today

Uxatindar peaks by Skaftá river and Langisjór lake, the southern …

Uxatindar peaks by Skaftá river and Langisjór lake, the southern highlands. Morgunblaðið/Ragnar Axelsson

Vala Hafstað

Today is the Day of Icelandic Nature – celebrated September 16 every year since 2010. The day chosen for the celebration is the birthday of environmentalist and reporter Ómar Ragnarsson, who for years has tirelessly worked to open the public’s eyes to the importance of protecting and preserving Icelandic nature.

Schools, public institutions, companies and associations celebrate the day in various ways.

Minister for the Environment Gumundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, left, with the …

Minister for the Environment Gumundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, left, with the creators of Hvað höfum við gert? Photo/Ministry for the Environment

Two awards were given today by Minister for the Environment Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson. The Media Award of the Ministry for the Environment was given to Sagafilm for their TV series Hvað höfum við gert? (What Have We Done?), which brings attention to environmental problems and aims to increase people’s awareness of the importance of protecting the environment.

Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, with Jóni Stefánsson, teacher at Hvolsskóli.

Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, with Jóni Stefánsson, teacher at Hvolsskóli. Photo/Ministry for the Environment

The so-called Sigríður í Brattholti Nature Award was given to Jón Stefánsson, for excellent teaching at Hvolsskóli, Hvolsvöllur, South Iceland, including finding ways to use the natural environment for teaching, research and experience.

The award is named after Sigríður í Brattholti, born 1871, who fought hard to protect Gullfoss waterfall from those who wanted to harness it for hydroelectric power. She is considered among Iceland’s first environmentalists.




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