Problem of passengers sleeping on Iceland airport floors addressed

People sleeping next to their baggage at the check-in was …

People sleeping next to their baggage at the check-in was creating problems.

Anyone travelling through Leifsstöð this summer early in the morning have probably noticed people sleeping on the floors of the airport's second floor, or on restaurant chairs.

Not even the noise from the busy airport seems to disturb them. This is however a change from sleeping passengers on the first floor where the check-in desks are. This had become a severe problem as passengers slept on the floor until they could check in, obstructing pedestrian traffic.

In June Isavia, the company that runs Keflavik International Airport started an experimental project in cooperation with Icelandair, WOW air and Primera air where passengers for these airlines were invited to check in to their morning flights from midnight onwards. This system will contine until the end of September but it's future is uncertain.

Offering check-in earlier has positive results according to marketing manager of Isavia, Gunnar Sigurðsson. It has reduced the problem of sleeping people on the first floor creating havoc at check-in.

Keflavik International Airport is an extremely busy one.

Keflavik International Airport is an extremely busy one.ður Bogi Sævarsson

„Það sem var gert í sumar var að flugfélögin opnuðu fyrir innritun á miðnætti og við opnuðum vopnaleitina. Svo hafa einhverjir verslunar- og veitingastaðir verið með opið frá miðnætti. Hugmyndin var að þeir sem ættu snemma flug gætu innritað sig snemma, losað sig við töskur og farið upp og hvílt sig þar í staðinn fyrir að gera það í innritunarsalnum með töskurnar. Það eru margir sem hafa nýtt sér þetta. Vandamálið hefur minnkað eftir því sem ég best veit. Það er ekki eins mikið af sofandi ferðamönnum, en það er alltaf eitthvað.“ "What we did this summer was that these airlines opened their check-ins at midnight and the weapons search also opened. Restaurants and some shops have also opened at that time. The idea was that people could check in early, put their baggage through and go upstairs to relax instead of doing it on the check-in floor with their bags. The problem has been reduced, and there are not as many sleeping travellers, although there are always some." Asked whether the problem hadn't just been shifted to another floor, he replies that it's better that people sleep once they've gone through the check-in, there's more space and the bags are not in anyone's way. People can lie down somewhere if they want to sleep or they can have something to eat."

Sigurðsson says that usually they don't disturb people sleeping on the second floor as long as they're not in anyone's way. "We don't want people to take up entire benches to sleep on if other passengers can't sit down. But if there are not that many people we don't interfere. "

If passengers decide to sleep in the airport restaurants it's up to those venues to decide whether they want to show people out. Kaldalóns

Óvíst hvort boðið verður upp á þjónustuna áfram

Hann telur að í einhverjum tilvikum hafi þurft að fjölga mannskap í vinnu á efri hæðinni vegna tilraunarinnar, enda hafi tilgangurinn að miklu leyti verið að auka þjónustu við farþega. „Við vildum bjóða fólki upp á mæta mjög snemma og forðast þannig raðir. Fólk gæti þá og farið upp og verslað, eða gert það sem það vildi. Við vildum líka draga úr fjölda sofandi farþega í innritunarsalnum.

Gunnar segir ekki búið að taka saman heildarárangurinn af þessari tilraun. Það verði gert í lok sumars. Það liggur hins vegar fyrir að töluverður fjöldi farþega hefur nýtt sér þetta breytta fyrirkomulag. „Hversu mikið fólk hefur nýtt sér þetta og hvort það er nógu hátt hlutfall til að við séum sátt, það á eftir að koma í ljós.“ Ekki er því búið að taka ákvörðun um hvort haldið verður áfram að bjóða flugfarþegum upp á að innrita sig frá miðnætti.




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