Nature and Travel
| Iceland Monitor
| Wed 24 Jun 2015
| 11.17 GMT
| Modified
18 Apr 2016
An amazing "fog waterfall" captured on film
Something that looks incredibly like a river of fog plunging down cliffs was captured by Kjartan Gunnarsson and published on his Facebook page. The "fog waterfall " is at Látrabjarg in Djúpidalur, north-east Iceland.
Taking a closer look, the video looks like a time lapse of fog plunging into the ravine and into the sea, and not an actual "waterfall of fog".
Einhverjir halda að myndirnar sem ég setti inn af þokunni á Látrabjargi hafi verið teknar með einhverjum fídusum, en þær eru bara "snapshot" teknar á símann minn. Hér er video af þokunni á Djúpadal.
Posted by Kjartan Gunnsteinsson on Monday, 22 June 2015