A day in the life of Icelandic weather

Photo: Ragnar Axelsson

Sun. Snow. Hail. Sun again. Weather conditions in Greater Reykjavik were typically changeable yesterday.

The Icelandic Met Office has put together a video of web-cam captures of yesterday’s weather every ten minutes throughout the day. The link below shows the weather in Reykjavik from 5am to 4pm yesterday, condensed into forty seconds.

An interesting montage that really lends credibility to the Icelandic refrain: “If you don’t like the weather right now, just wait five minutes.”

Útsynningurinn í gær, 7. apríl, milli kl. 5 og 16 úr vefmyndavél (snýr í suðvestur) Veðurstofunnar á 10 mínútna fresti. Til hliðar eru skýjahæðarmælingar en skyggnismælingar undir myndinni af Reykjavíkurflugvelli.Yesterday, april 7th, 05-16Z. The SW-erly winds with snowshowers. Image every 10 minutes. Webcam facing SW. To the left graph of cloud base measurements and below visibility graph from Reykjavik airport.

Posted by Veðurstofa Íslands on Wednesday, April 8, 2015




5 °C


Later today

6 °C

Clear sky


6 °C