High Northern-Lights activity tonight

White denotes an absence of cloud cover, essential for catching …

White denotes an absence of cloud cover, essential for catching a glimpse of the Northern Lights. Screeshot: Icelandic Met Office website

Tonight is the best night this week to see the Northern Lights in Iceland, particularly in the western half of the country.

The Icelandic Met Office has a running 'aurora forecast' on its website. It explains that "the spectacle of Aurora Borealis requires dark and partly clear skies" and that "even Grade 2 (low activity) can be beautiful and Grade 3 (moderate) can be dazzling." The forecast for tonight is Grade 5 (high).

The aurora forecast falls to Grade 4 (active) tomorrow night and Thursday night then to Grade 3 for the rest of the week.




6 °C


Later today

7 °C

Rain showers


7 °C