Vogue picks the top bars in Reykjavík

Vogue Scandinavia published recently an interesting list over the bars/restaurants that are the most interesting and stylish for happy hour or a drink after work. Most of the places have been popular in Iceland for years.

"Whether you’re looking for a quiet setting to catch up with friends over a glass of bubbles and a light bite, craft beer and a hearty meal, or perhaps a charming bar with fancy cocktails, these are the best spots to visit for after work drinks in Iceland’s capital."

Apótekið at the top of the list

At the top of the list is Apótekið, which should not be a surprise to anyone, since it is both stylish and has an ambitious bar menu and a fun atmosphere.

The second place goes to Röntgen and the third is the Winebar Tíu Sopar.

Here is the top nine bars/restaurants to meet at after work according to Vogue Scandinavia:

  1. Apó­tekið
  2. Rönt­gen
  3. Vín­stúk­an Tíu Sop­ar
  4. Snaps
  5. Coocoo’s Nest
  6. Luna Flórens
  7. Skál!
  8. Jungle
  9. Veður

Here you can read the whole article.  




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