Heimkaup starts selling wine and beer with same day delivery

To begin with people can buy wine and beer from …

To begin with people can buy wine and beer from domestic suppliers. Photo/Sent to mbl.is

Today is the first day you can buy wine and beer online and have it sent to you the same day. Heimkaup is the company starting this service and according to their press release the service is open seven days a week.

It is the Danish supplier Heimkaup ApS which sells the wine, but Heimkaup (Wedo ehf) is the distributor, as well as for the thousands of other products available at the company.

A turning point

To begin with it is possible to buy wine and beer from domestic suppliers and the variety of drinks available can be seen on Heimkaup’s website.

"This is a turning point, in many ways, and we are very happy to be able to offer our customers this service every day into the evening and on weekends as well. It was about time we could offer a selection of beer and wine on our website and I am sure that our customers will be thrilled," says Pálmi Jónsson the CEO of Heimkaup.




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