New Icelandic porridge on the market

The company Kaja Organic has started to sell the convenient and healthy breakfast of porridge in biodegradable containers. Karen Jónsdóttir is the woman behind Kaja Organic and she says that the company has been developing the new product for quite some time to ensure top quality. The containers are environmentally friendly and the porridge is organic, as all her other products. The buyer only needs to boil water and pour into the box and wait for one or two minutes to have the finished product. It is also possible to use vegetarian milk and keep the box overnight in the fridge and have the porridge ready for breakfast the following morning.

The new product can be a gamechanger for people who want to get a quick and healthy breakfast without having to break out a sweat. It could not be easier to make, the quality is superb and the carbon footprint is to the minimum. The product comes in three flavour profiles, it does not have any added sugar or additives and it is vegan.

Kaja’s Organic porridge was first showcased at the Food-market in Hagkaup where smaller companies can present their new products. There is a rise in new entrepreneurs in the food sector in Iceland and many smaller companies are bringing out interesting products to the market.




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