Recipe for traditional Icelandic fish stew- Plokkfiskur
Plokkfiskur, a combination of fish, potatoes, onions and béchamel sauce is a firm favourite in Icelandic kitchens. It's a traditional dish and a true comfort food.
Here's a recipe for Plokkfiskur (which literally means "plucked fish" from chef Oddur Smári Rafnsson who works at the Norðanfiskur fish company. He's pretty experienced in the business, having worked as chef at The Pearl, Fiskisaga and Saffran.
800 g cod or haddock½ onion, peeled and diced.
½ cube of chicken stock
2 bay leaves
50 g butter
300 g potatoes, peeled and diced into cubes.
½ teaspoon white pepper
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons flour
200 ml milk
Setjið fiskinn ásamt lauknum og lárviðarlaufunum í pott með köldu vatni og fáið upp suðu, takið síðan af hitanum og setjið til hliðar. Bræðið smjör og bætið hveitinu út í og hrærið vel saman. Hellið mjólkinni út í og setjið með 100 ml af vatninu sem fiskurinn stendur í.
Place the fish with the onion and bay leaves in a saucepan containing cold water. Bring to the boil, remove from the stove and put to the side. Melt butter, stir in the flour, and then add the milk as well as 100 ml of the water that the fish is sitting in.
Add the chicken stock, salt and pepper to the mixture and bring this sauce to the boil, until it thickens. Sieve the water from the fish and onions, and add them to the sauce along with the potatoes and mix all this together well. Add more salt and pepper to taste.
Plokkfiskur is traditionally served with rye bread on the side.