Reykjavík celebrates Culture Night 2022 next Saturday

The fireworks the last time Culture Night was celebrated in …

The fireworks the last time Culture Night was celebrated in 2019. Photo/Reykjavíkurborg

Reykjavík is celebrating its 236th birthday next Saturday, on the 20th of August, with the comeback of the biggest annual event in the city, Culture Night of 2022.  Culture Night has not been celebrated for two years because of the pandemic, but now it is coming with multiple intresting things to do. The celebration is centered around all the residents of the city as well as guests and those who want to have a good time.

The festivities will officially start at 1 PM on Saturday in Harpa Square, and there you can see aerial acrobatics and the singer Jón Jónsson will sing.

Something for everyone

This year the representatives of the association Support for Ukraine, Iceland will be the guests of honor and they have organized a diverse cultural and informative program in City Hall. 

This year's program has a variety of cultural events and music will be prominent like in previous festivals. There will be music from radio Rás 2 on Arnarhóll and the musical feast of radio Bylgjan in Hljómskálagarður Park. In the evening the world famous Karnival of DJ Margeir will be on Klapparstígur. 

Over 20 food trucks will be  in Miðbakki port where there will be a variety of food to choose from.

The great finale is a huge display of fireworks at 10:30 PM which can be enjoyed from Arnarhóll and other places downtown. 

Free buses but no personal cars downtown

The downtown area will be closed for traffic from 7 AM until after midnight so guests can enjoy the festivities in a car free zone. People are advised to walk or ride a bike but the buses will also be free of charge. 

Furthermore, it will only be possible to park electric scooters in designated areas. More information about those areas and the program is here on the website of Culture Night 2022.

Here you can see the Festival map.




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