Rector of University of Iceland Among World’s Top Scientists

Rector Jón Atli Benediktsson.

Rector Jón Atli Benediktsson. Photo/University of Iceland

Vala Hafstað

Jón Atli Benediktsson, rector of the University of Iceland and professor of electrical and computer engineering, is ranked, once again, on the Clarivate Analytics list of the world’s most influential researchers, published yesterday, reports. 

The 2011-2020 list of Highly Cited Researchers includes pioneers in their fields according their production of highly cited papers that rank in the top one percent by citations for field and publication year in international science journals, based on the Web of Science database.

Jón Atli Benediktsson’s name has been on the Clarivate list for a number of years.“[H]e is a leading scientist in the field of remote sensing and digital image analysis,” a press release from the University of Iceland reads.  “Remote sensing involves, for example, taking digital images from planes and satellites and using these to extract data regarding the Earth’s surface. Jón Atli’s presence on the list is all the more remarkable considering that he has served as rector for the last six years, and has thus been less active in his research than he was earlier in his career.” 

During the past decade, Jón Atli’s work has been cited on 23,000 occasions. He is the author of more than 400 scientific articles and book chapters in the field of electrical and computer engineering. He has received numerous acknowledgements at home and abroad for his research.

Jón Atli is not the only scientist at the University of Iceland whose name is on this year’s list. Three among the university’s guest lecturers are listed there as well: Bernharð Örn Pálsson, Jocelyn Chanussot and Ian F. Akyildiz.

Having its scientists on the list is important for a university, since it reflects excellence in research. The list is widely cited and is considered when universities are ranked on the Shangahi list of the best universities worldwide. 

To view the complete list, see here




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