Physical Cinema on Building Walls in Reykjavík

Photo/Physical Cinema

Vala Hafstað

During the past few evenings, you may have noticed videos being projected onto several building walls in downtown Reykjavík.  Together, they make up Physical Cinema 2021, which is part of the annual international Stockfish Film Festival.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Stockfish Film Festival had to be postponed, but organizers decided to go ahead with the outdoor part of the Physical Cinema festival, which began last Saturday and will continue through April 17.

These consist of 14 different works of video art, projected onto various buildings downtown. Postponing those would not have been practical, since our days are quickly getting longer, and the works are best enjoyed after dark.

The video art is on display, day and night, at the following six locations: Bíó Paradís (Hverfisgata 52), Reykjavík City Hall, the Reykjavík District Court building (Austurstræti 19), on Vatnsstígur, at Mengi (Óðinsgata 2), at Tjarnarbíó (Tjarnargata 11-12), and on Lækjargata. You can view the program and locations here .

The projections are silent but can be enjoyed with your own soundtrack in the car or whatever you’re playing in your headphones. The organizers recommend , too – allowing you to simultaneously enjoy music and the art.

Physical Cinema is a platform for short films, documentaries and video installations. The selected works border on physical performance, visual arts, sound and cinema.

For further information, see here .




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