Reykjavík’s Empty Pools: Video

Screenshot from the video/Steinar Þór Ólafsson

Vala Hafstað

Did you ever wonder what the swimming pools in Reykjavík look like these days, when closed? Steinar Þór Ólafsson, communications director, visited them recently to take a look.

All swimming pools in the capital are have remained closed since October 7, in an effort to contain the spread of COVID-19.

Steinar tells the closure gave him reason to record the pools on video.

“For a very long time, I’ve wanted to do this,” he states. Normally, the Laugardalslaug pool is closed only one day a year, and you don’t want to bring a drone to a pool full of people. I saw this as an ideal opportunity to take a look at them.” Obtaining permission to film the pools proved easy, Steinar adds.
We invite you to view the video below.




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