Be Ready for RIFF Thursday

How about going to the movies at the pool?

How about going to the movies at the pool? Jóhannesson

Vala Hafstað

The 16th RIFF, the Reykjavík International Film Festival, opens Thursday with Icelandic directior Elvar Aðalsteins’ End of Sentence, starring Oscar nominee John Hawkes, Logan Lerman and Sarah Bolger. The film received great reviews at the Edinburgh International Film Festival.

RIFF concludes October 6 with the screening of the South Korean black comedy thriller Parasite, winner of the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival in the spring, directed by Bong Joon-ho. 

Most of the films will be screened at Bíó Paradís, while others are screened at Norræna húsið (the Nordic House), Sundhöll Reykjavíkur swimming pool, and Loft Hostel, reports. Throughout Reykjavík - at libraries, community centers, prisons and nursing homes - films will be shown under the banner RIFF around Town. You can view the full program here.

Most of the films screened at the festival are recently released, an many premièred this year at film festivals in Cannes, Venice or Toronto. 




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