"Europe will look into a mirror"

Hatari are already receiving strong criticism in the Israeli press.

Hatari are already receiving strong criticism in the Israeli press. Eggert Jóhannesson

Hatari, the  cyber goth-techno band that will be representing Iceland at the Eurovision song say the next step in their plan is to present Hatari and their views to Israeli media. Hatari has already received strong criticism in the Israeli press.

"Iceland's Eurovision pick Hatari threatens to turn its Tel Aviv performance into a protest and challenges Netanyahu to a fight," writes Hareetz.

Hatari received a vast majority of votes at the Eurovision preliminaries on Saturday night and it appears that children are fascinated by the band and the song. It's Ash Wednesday this Wednesday, a day when kids dress up in costumes in Iceland, and many are predicting children walking around in BDSM gear shouting that life is meaningless and that Europe will crumble.

This little guy wanted to pose with Hatari. Hatari costumes …

This little guy wanted to pose with Hatari. Hatari costumes are selling like hot-cakes for Öskudagur, Iceland's answer to Halloween on Wednesday. Eggert Jóhannesson

The band, whose members have young children, showed a softer side to themselves on Saturday night when they were shown decorating a cake and talking to kids. "We like to smile together and sing. We love children and there's nothing better for the image than a good cake," said singer Matthías Tryggvi to mbl.is, possibly sarcastically referring to the Independence Party promo video when Bjarni Benediktsson decorated a cake.

Hatari decorating a cake on Saturday night.

Hatari decorating a cake on Saturday night. mbl.is/Eggert

International press are very interested in Hatari and their song, Hate will prevail is being predicted as scoring highly at the contest in Tel Aviv in May. "The band has already drawn attention in that country which is according to our plan," said Matthías Tryggvi who has not revealed what the band will do when on stage in Tel Aviv. "We do not believe it is time yet to reveal that. We have managed to get a lot of discourse going in Iceland from several directions, which we applaud, and our aim is to keep a critical discourse going. What we do will be in the spirit of Hatari.  The Icelandic nation won't be disappointed."

But will Europe be as enamoured with Hatari as the Icelanders?

"Europe will look into a mirror and see Hatari. It will recognise it's reflection as doomsday is near."

Hatari meet Minister of Education, Lilja Alfreðsdóttir and First Lady …

Hatari meet Minister of Education, Lilja Alfreðsdóttir and First Lady Eliza Reid. Eggert Jóhannesson




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