Trick or treating popular in Reykjavik

Homes offering treats signify this by placing a candle or …

Homes offering treats signify this by placing a candle or ghostly objects outside their front door. Magnússon

 Halloween has been gaining increasing popularity in Iceland and now numerous homes around Reykjavik take part in the trick or treating tradition normally associated with the UK or the US. Participating homes signify their taking part by placing a candle, a pumpkin or other ghostly objects outside their front door. 

Amongst the neighbourhoods participating are Vesturbær (West Reykjavik), and post codes 105 and 101 in East Central and Central Reykjavik and suburbs Kópavogur and Hafnarfjörður. Trick or treating takes place between 17- 20 today. 

Árbæjarsafn museum in Reykjavik is hosting a Halloween special for children after school today. 

Small fishing town Þorlákshöfn in South Iceland is going even further, with the whole week being called "Þollóween." Next weekend, several bars and nighclubs are hosting Halloween parties for adults. 


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