Reykjavik Pride begins today

Reykjavik Pride begins today and at noon, Mayor Dagur B.Eggertsson helped the directors of the festival to paint rainbow colours on the central street of Skólavörðustígur. 

Skólavörðustigur will be painted all the way from Bergstaðastræti to Laugavegur/Bankastræti today.  

Reykjavik Pride has been an annual event in Reykjavik since 1999, but the history goes back to 1993 when Icelandic gays and lesbians first gathered in the city center demanding freedom and human rights.

In 2018 Reykjavik Pride is celebrated for  the nineteenth time, taking place until August 12th.The festival has blossomed and evolved into a colorful six day celebration that attracts up to 100 thousand guests from all over the world. Reykjavík Pride is, in fact, one of the biggest events in Iceland and probably “the biggest small Pride” in the world.




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