Easter opening hours in Reykjavik

Icelandic Easter eggs are available at all supermarkets.

Icelandic Easter eggs are available at all supermarkets. Ásdís Ásgeirsdóttir


Most supermarkets are open for some of the Easter break, including five of the Króna supermarkets which are open every day of the holiday. 

Bónus supermarkets are closed on Good Friday and on Easter Sunday but open on other days.  All 10 / 11 shops stay open for the entire Easter break. 

Bars and clubs

On Thursday, bars and clubs are open until midnight. They reopen again at midnight on Friday and then they will stay open until 3 or 4 a.m. On Saturday, they are open until 3 or 4 a.m and on Sunday they open at midnight until 3 or 4 a.m. On Monday, bars and clubs are open until 1 a.m. 

Alcohol stores (ÁTVR)

Alcohol stores are closed on Thursday, and Good Friday. They are open on Saturday and closed again on Sunday and Monday. If you miss those, you'll have to resort to buying the non-alcoholic Pilsner at the supermarket, or even better, try Páskaöl, a non-alcoholic malty drink traditionally served at Easter.  

Other activities

Art museums, galleries, theatres and cinemas are all open for the whole Easter weekend. There are also plenty of concerts to attend and then of course there's the music festival Aldrei fór ég Suður in Ísafjörður in the West Fjords. 




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