Islanders: A look at Icelandic homes

Photo: Íris Ann/ Islanders

Interior designer Auður Gná and photographer Íris Ann are the editors of a new webpage in English called Islanders, a veritable goldmine for anyone interested in home interiors and design. 

In an interview with Smartland, the style section of, Auður Gná explains that they wanted to take a look at very individual styles and untraditional homes. "We wanted to disspell the myth that Scandinavian homes were all decked out in neutral tones. We believe that people need to make their own personal paradise, and most of the people we have visited so far are artists or creatives. The homes we've featured will be just as interesting in 10 - 15 years, because they're so connected to the personalities of their owners. 

Visit Islanders HERE.

Photo: Íris Ann/ Islanders

Photo: Íris Ann/ Islanders

Photo: Íris Ann/ Islanders




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