Iceland's new sex symbol emerges

"He looks like one of the looming mountains in the …

"He looks like one of the looming mountains in the fjord," says director Baltasar Kormákur in The Guardian interview. Still/ Trapped

"Ólafur Darri Ólafsson is 6ft 5in, has a beard like a pine forest and the gait of a grizzly bear," writes The Guardian, and they're talking about the Icelandic star of Trapped, dubbed as Iceland's most unlikely sex symbol. 

"Rarely has a lead in a TV show said so little. The quiet detective with an unknown past is a trope as old as Hollywood, but Andri’s past is expertly drip-fed to the audience, " writes The Guardian.

“I don’t know whether it’s a Nordic thing, but men in Iceland are very locked-up, very quiet,” says Ólafsson. “They hardly ever express emotion.”

Trapped, directed by Baltasar Kormákur is the most ambitious TV series produced by Iceland and has reveived rave reviews in the UK. 

Read the entire Guardian article here below

He's huge, he's hairy and he's Iceland's latest sex symbol


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