Dennis Quaid in Iceland to film Fortitude: Buys Icelandic watch

Hollywood actor Dennis Quaid with Gilbert Ó Guðjónsson, Sigurður Gilbertsson …

Hollywood actor Dennis Quaid with Gilbert Ó Guðjónsson, Sigurður Gilbertsson and Grímkell Sigurþórsson from the JS Watch Company in Reykjavik. Photo: Gilber Ó. Guðjónssson

Dennis Quaid joins a long line of stars purchasing one of the exclusive watches made by Icelandic watchmaker Gilbert. Quaid, who is in Iceland filming the second series of Fortitude stopped by at Gilberts tiny store on Laugavegur recently before heading to Reyðarfjörður, East Iceland for filming. 

"He told me he'd been looking for an unusual watch that suited him, "explains Gilbert Ó. Guðjónsson. "He saw our watch, called Frisland 1941 and fell for it. I told him that it was a pilots watch which suited him well as he is a pilot." The watch is named 1941 after the year that Reykjavik airport was put into use during the British occupation in WW2. 

"Quaid then decided to buy his wife, Kimberly another watch, for a Valentines present."

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