Walking in the shadow of the Vikings
Heather D. Linnett hails from Australia but she has travelled more around Iceland than most people. She estimates that she has accumulated over 50 thousand kilometres in her travels in Iceland alone. She is the administrator for two popular Iceland related Facebook groups:
- Viking Lands: a History of Exploration which promotes the Vikings to people who have an interest in the Viking period
- Viking Lands: Tours and Tourism is a sister to Viking Lands: A history of Exploration and focuses on the tours and tourism, photographers and photography, and music of those Viking Lands
Heather is also writing a non-fiction book on Icelanders and “all that walk in the shadows of Viking forefathers and foremothers”, as she puts it.
„I was born and raised in Adelaide South Australia, but exactly when this interest in the Viking began I really cannot say. It goes back many years, in fact I will say it has always been there in one way or another, she says in an interview with travel blog Stuck in Iceland.
The book, titled the Shadow of the Vikings, is according to Linett, a gift to the descendants of the Viking forefathers and foremothers. „I mostly cover the Viking journeys west but I must also include the Byzantine connection and the Varangian guard. The book will include a large section on modern Iceland.“
All proceeds from the royalties realised from the book will go to ICE-SAR to help them to continue their work and programmes. „This will be my absolute pleasure to do. My plan is to return this year with the finished product and to take it on a promotional road trip. My aim would be to find a sponsor to fund a translation into Icelandic. A copy is to be deposited with the National Library.“
Read the full interview with Linnett HERE.