Airwaves: Day Two

Mr. Sillla gave a stunning performance at Gamla bíó.

Mr. Sillla gave a stunning performance at Gamla bíó. Styrmir Kári

Reykjavik was bathed in a magical glow as crowds surged through the rainy streets on their way to the multitude of concerts on offer on the second evening of Iceland Airwaves. 

Among the highlights of Thursday evening were Smurjón, Mr.Silla, Low Roar, Mercury Rev and Father John Misty. The festival continues tonight with performances from artists that include Kælan mikla, Pink Street Boys, Úlfur Úlfur, East of My Youth and Ariel Pink. 

Our photographer Styrmir Kári captured the atmosphere. 

Guests watching US rockers Mercury Rev at Harpa's Silfurberg hall.

Guests watching US rockers Mercury Rev at Harpa's Silfurberg hall.

Mercury Rev at Harpa Concert Hall

Mercury Rev at Harpa Concert Hall

Crowds at Harpa last night.

Crowds at Harpa last night.

The absurd magic of Smurjón at Gamla bíó.

The absurd magic of Smurjón at Gamla bíó. Styrmir Kári

Mercury Rev

Mercury Rev Styrmir Kári

Samúel Jón Samúelsson Big Band at Norðurljós, Harpa.

Samúel Jón Samúelsson Big Band at Norðurljós, Harpa. Styrmir Kári

Crowds entranced by Mr.Silla at Gamla bíó

Crowds entranced by Mr.Silla at Gamla bíó

Low Roar gave a beautiful performance at Harpa.

Low Roar gave a beautiful performance at Harpa. Styrmir Kári




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