Russian girls are single and ready to mingle
The music of Guðlaugur Halldór Einarsson, a.k.a Russian Girls could be described as a mixture of electronic, lounge and ballads.Árni Sæberg

Russian.girls is the brainchild of Guðlaugur Halldór Einarsson who is one of the members of Fufanu. His material is a lot more esoteric and could be described as a mixture of electronic, lounge and ballads. His first album was recently released on cassette with Ladyboy records and we hit him with some questions on the Russian.girls project.
It‘s probably difficult to google Russian.girls...?
Yes it is, but in the same time it can be really fun. You can discover some great music from Iceland and make some new friends at the same time. These Russian girls seem to be really interested in getting to know you plus they are all single and ready to mingle
So where does the name actually come from?
The idea came from pop-up ads on the internet. It's the sort of thing that's hard to deny when you are browsing.
Russian girls is your side-self project away from Fufanu. How much of the composing do you do for Fufanu and what‘s the idea behind the Russian girls project?
In Fufanu I often make demo's from ideas that I have. Then I show it to Kaktus and Frosti and we make something out of it. The writing process is never the same. When I realized I had bunch of songs that didn't really fit for the Fufanu concept I decided to start this russian.girls project. It started kind of slowly but for the last year I've been doing more gigs as russian.girls. With the project i basically just want to make music with friends and share ideas
You‘re releasing your first album on cassette?
Frímann from Lady Boy Records asked me if I would be interested in releasing some of these russian.girls tracks at. I had an idea for an album with my older stuff, so I just sent him some demo's. The tracks are old, that's the reason for the name Old Stories. But it doesn't mean they're out of fashion.
Russian.girls seems to have very cinematic influences.
I think I'm pretty much just influenced by everything I see and hear. Of course I'm influenced by cinema and movie soundtracks. I've always listened to lot of film music. I've always been a big fan of the 60's and 70's Ennio Morricone stuff for example.
If you check out my mixcloud you'll maybe get the idea of what music inspires me.
See Russian.girls live with The Pink Street Boys on May 22nd.
Get a copy of the cassette at
Check out russian.girls on soundcloud HERE.