Icelandic guru on Amazon's hot releases list

Guðni Gunnarsson has worked as a lifestyle coach in Hollywood …

Guðni Gunnarsson has worked as a lifestyle coach in Hollywood and his clients included Kim Basinger. Golli / Kjartan Þorbjörnsson

"Great news," said lifestyle advisor Guðni Gunnarsson when contacted him and told him his book, Presence is Power, was on the Amazon hot list. The book will be published worldwide this autumn, including a Japanese version. 

Presence Is Power: Seven Steps for Choosing a Life of Prosperity is, according to Gunnarsson,  a concise guide for moving away from ''scarcity consciousness'' (the false perception of absence or lack) and into a life of our choosing, where we direct our lives with the power of our awareness to live a life of abundance."

Gunnarsson is a well-known lifestyle coach and founded Rope Yoga and GlóMotion, exercise routines which are becoming increasingly popular worldwide. 

The book is based on the work Gunnarsson did whilst living in Los Angeles between 1990 and 2006. "I worked as a lifestyle coach in LA where I connected physical exercise, meditation, nutrition into one wellness system." Gunnarsson coached Brandon Rough and Kim Basinger amongst others. 

Check the book out HERE.


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