Bus stop to be located near the Blue Lagoon

Helga Árnadóttir, director of sales, marketing, and service at the …

Helga Árnadóttir, director of sales, marketing, and service at the Blue Lagoon. Composite image/mbl.is Eggert

The Blue Lagoon expects a bus stop to be near the lagoon when it opens. Buses would arrive and depart there regularly.

This is what Helga Árnadóttir, director of sales, marketing, and service at the Blue Lagoon, said when asked.

This popular tourist destination has previously taken similar measures when it has reopened after a volcanic eruption. The only change that has occurred is that about 350 parking spaces at the Blue Lagoon have been covered in lava, along with bus stops. As it stands now, the only way into the area is from Grindavík.

The lava from the eruption flowed over 350 parking spaces …

The lava from the eruption flowed over 350 parking spaces at the Blue Lagoon. mbl.is/Eggert Jóhannesson

Last weekend, the lagoon extended its closure until November 29, or next Friday, due to the ongoing volcanic eruption at Sundhnúkagígar crater row. Lava flow closed general traffic on Grindavíkurvegur Road and thus the main route to the lagoon.

"We are still reviewing the situation and looking at our options," Árnadóttir says, when asked if a decision has been made about the future of the opening.

"We work two to three days ahead and are of course in good contact with the authorities and stakeholders to assess the situation," she adds, expecting to issue an announcement tomorrow about the latest status.




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