The field investigation is finished

Jón Gunnar Þórhallsson, chief of police at the South Iceland …

Jón Gunnar Þórhallsson, chief of police at the South Iceland Police. Sigurgeirsson

The police in South Iceland believe they have a clearer picture of what happened in a summer house where a Lithuanian man died last week.

The case is investigated as a homicide case and according to Jón Gunnar Þórhallsson, the chief of police at the South Iceland Police, the field investigation has been completed but it took several days.

“The field is still sealed and if there is anything else we need, we can go back there, but the field research has been completed,” Þórhallsson says. He adds that the research is progressing and now there are hearings.

The field investigation has been completed, but the area is …

The field investigation has been completed, but the area is still sealed off. Sigurgeirsson

Two people are still in custody

According to Þórhallsson, the police have spoken with family members, indirect witnesses, and defendants. Two are still in custody, but the two men who were originally arrested have been released. The arrested are all from Lithuania.

“We have a clearer picture of the situation, but we’re going to get an even better picture of this,” he concludes.




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