A deal is the biggest national interest

Katrín Jakobsdóttir, the Prime Minister of Iceland.

Katrín Jakobsdóttir, the Prime Minister of Iceland. mbl.is/Kristinn Magnússon

Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir says that although there are still some unresolved issues, she hopes that new wage agreements will be signed today.

Jakobsdóttir met with the heads of the broad coalition of trade unions in the Government Council today where she presented them with the government’s involvement in the wage agreement.

Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, chairwoman of Efling, and Vilhjálmur Birgisson, chairman of the Confederation of Labour, told mbl.is after the meeting that they were pleased with the government’s involvement but pointed out that several municipalities must take the step and accept free meals for school children. They say that the signing of the agreement depends on the municipalities’ decisive response to their involvement.

All working on reaching the goal

“Now, we have to wait and see,” Jakobsdóttir says when asked if new collective bargaining agreements will be signed today as has been hoped.

“I think all parties are working towards that goal. Certain loose ends have yet to be tied but I believe it is extremely important for society if it can sign this first long-term agreement which has the clear goal of supporting price stability and creating the preconditions for interest rate reduction,” she tells mbl.is.

She hopes that more people will follow suit and that it will be a big deal if the agreements are successful.

“I will allow myself to hope that this can begin to come to an end, even though there is still some unfinished business,” the Prime Minister says.

Working to reach a joint declaration

When asked if the loose end she talks about concerns the involvement of the local authorities, she says:

“Yes, we have been working to reach a joint declaration between the state and the municipalities and I just hope that it will work. I have been in close contact with the chairman and the director of the Icelandic Municipalities Association about these matters.”

As before, the broad coalition is pleased with the government’s efforts to facilitate the negotiation of the wage agreements.

“This is not something that comes from heaven. This is a package that is based on months of work and negotiations and is designed to benefit the whole of Iceland. This is a great opportunity and it is in the nation’s best interest to reach a deal.




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