Hoping the parties are closing in on a deal

From a meeting last Monday.Ástráður Haraldsson, Vilhjálmur Birgisson, Sólveig Anna …

From a meeting last Monday.Ástráður Haraldsson, Vilhjálmur Birgisson, Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir and Hilmar Harðarson. mbl.is/Kristinn Magnússon

The state conciliation and meditation officer, Ástráður Harald­sson, seemed­ fairly­ optimistic­ that­ negotiations­ between­ the­ broad coalition of trade unions and the Confederation ­of­ Icelandic Enterprise would­ be successful when Morgun­blaðið­ talked to him last ­night.

The negotiations have been going on since early yesterday morning and until dinner, and the parties have been negotiating in numerous meetings in recent days. “This went fine. We are in the final phase of reaching a deal, which is a slow process, as has been evident in recent weeks and months,” Haraldsson says. He was asked if the state of the negotiations was good.

“Yes, yes, it is. It has been successful in every aspect of ticking off items on each side. People are working to solve the last few obstacles that may exist. I believe that the negotiations are closing in for signing a deal,” he says.

Meeting at 13 today

Meetings will continue at the State’s conciliation and meditation offices at 13 today. “We’ll take a little break from the meetings tomorrow morning because we’re working on a text. There’s no reason to let people wait in the house for it. What’s going to be left open to them will also have to be read and resolved. Then there’s hope that people will get together and get this done.”





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