Suing the Icelandic state for banning him to go to his home

One resident of Grindavík has filed a case where he …

One resident of Grindavík has filed a case where he is suing the Icelandic state for preventing him to go to his home and business in Grindavík.þór

Stefán Kristjánsson from Grindavík has sued the Icelandic state for the police authorities banning him from visiting Grindavík, staying in his own house and his own company.
The lawyer Jón Stein­ar Gunn­laugs­son is representing Kristjánsson in the case and the District Court of Reykjavík has already confirmed the request for a rapid procedure.

It is required that it be confirmed by a court that the plaintiff is and has been unbound to comply with the National Police Commissioner’s Decision of January 13, which did not allow the residents of Grindavík to go to their homes.

Law on public protection does not top the constitution

Gunnlaugsson tells that the plaintiff bases the case on the provisions of Article 71 of the Constitution, which provides for privacy, home, and family.
The plaintiff believes that the government is not allowed to deny people permission to go to their homes and their establishment, but Kristjánsson runs the company Einhamar Seafood ehf., without the government, at the very least, being able to demonstrate that the trip would pose a threat to others.

“The authorities have referred to the law on public protection in support of their power to use this power, but that law does not go beyond the constitution,” he says.

The case will be heard by the parliament on Wednesday

Gunnlaugsson himself doesn't remember another case like that.
“The question of judgment is really whether people can be denied permission to go to their homes.”
He hopes that the matter can be raised and a decision can be reached this month or in March. The matter will be heard by the parliament on Wednesday.

Says his rights are trampled

Kristjánsson has posted a post on his Facebook where he says:
“I have the right to look after my property and operations and to stay in my home in Grindavík if I choose. This right has been trampled repeatedly, so this is the reason for this case.”


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