Allowed to be in town for six hours


Grindavík. Jóhannesson

Individuals, companies and businesses in Grindavík will be able to enter the town today for a value rescue from 9 to 15.

As of today, the previous schedule is reverted, whereby access to the town will be such that residents will have a predefined date to go to Grindavík for a longer period than before.

This is stated in a notice from the Civil Protection Agency, which states that, as previously stated, the structure was changed following the Met Office's updated hazard assessment, which showed that the likelihood of magma-runs and volcanic eruptions has increased.

The next few days, access to Grindavík will be by both Suðurstrandarvegur road and Nesvegur road, but when you drive from Grindavík, it will be by Norðurljósavegur road into Grindavíkurvegur road. On the closing posts, there will be staff that scans the QR code for all that go into town, so it is known at all times how many people are in Grindavík at any time.

A lot of people went into Grindavík yesterday to try …

A lot of people went into Grindavík yesterday to try to get their belongings.Óttar

Today’s Plan is: Individuals and corporations 9-15:

Residential buildings and one man businesses:

V1 (Árnastígur and Skipastígur)

V4 (Litluvellir, Hólavellir, Sólvellir, Blómsturvellir, Höskuldavellir)

G2 (Ásabraut 14 and 16, Fornavör, Suðurvör, Norðurvör and Staðarvör)

H1 (Víkurhóp except number 24, 26 and 28)

I2 (Túngata excluding houses no. 23 and 25)

Þórkötlustaðir (A1,2,3 and B1)

Companies 9-15 :

Companies in V4 – will be contacted

G5 open to all companies

S4 open for companies not marked X on map

Saftery map for Grindavík.

Saftery map for Grindavík.




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