The biggest earthquake since Friday

The source of the earthquake was 3 km east of …

The source of the earthquake was 3 km east of the Blue Lagoon. map/

An earthquake hit the Reykjanes peninsula at 12.19. The earthquake was felt in many places, including in the capital area.

The epicenter of the earthquake was at Sýlingarfell, about three kilometers east of the Blue Lagoon, and therefore closer to the power plant in Svartsengi, which is also east of the lagoon.

Seismic swarm is ongoing

A Natural Hazard specialist the Icelandic Met Office, Einar Bessi Gestsson, tells us that measurements indicate that the quake was about four magnitudes.

Initial figures indicated that the size of the earthquake was around 3.8 in size, but it has now been confirmed as stronger or at 4.5 on the website of the Icelandic Met Office.

This is the largest earthquake to have been recorded since Friday. A seismic swarm is still ongoing on the Reykjanes peninsula.

Earthquake of size 4.0 or bigger in this seismic swarm. …

Earthquake of size 4.0 or bigger in this seismic swarm. The red dot shows the location of the last earthquake today. Map/The Icelandic Met Office


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