“Then there is no bishop over Iceland”

Agnes M. Sigurðardóttir, bishop of Iceland, or not?

Agnes M. Sigurðardóttir, bishop of Iceland, or not? mbl.is/Ómar Óskarsson

“Based on this conclusion, the situation is that there no decisions that the bishop Agnes M. Sigurðardóttir has taken after 1 July 2022 are valid, that fall under the authority of the Bishop. All decisions she takes and the Bishop alone has the authority to take to not hold, based on this decision of the National Church’s ruling committee. If we assume that the ruling committee’s decision is correct, then there is no bishop over Iceland,” stated a judge at the Supreme Court, Ein­ar Gau­tur Stein­gr­ím­sson to Morgunblaðið.

His opinion was sought on the position of Agnes M. Sigurðardóttir following the decision of the National Church’s ruling committee that her mandate to serve as bishop over Iceland expired on July 1, 2022.

Einar Gautur Steingrímsson.

Einar Gautur Steingrímsson.

Steingrímsson says he doesn’­t take a­ stance on whether Sigurðardóttir think­s she’­s working at the church­ and can ­as­ su­ch make decisions like any­other employee. He­s point­ed,­ however,­ out­ that Sigurðardóttir can­­ go to the­ courts to have­ the­ rule­ repe­lled, but­ conclusions of the National Church are traditionally final in the matters of the church.

This was reported in Morgunblaðið this morning.


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