A lot of farmed salmon in Blanda river

Guðmundur Haukur Jakobsson, Hildur Kristín og Jakob Þór Guðmundsson with …

Guðmundur Haukur Jakobsson, Hildur Kristín og Jakob Þór Guðmundsson with some of the farmed salmon they caught yesterday. Between them they saved Blanda river from getting nine farmed salmon into it yesterday. Photo/Eggert Skúlason

Nine farmed salmon were caught from the salmon ladder in Blanda river at noon yesterday. Mbl.is flyfishing (Sporðaköst) were present and filmed the scene when Guðmundur Haukur Jakobsson, the vice chairman of the fishing association, went with his daughter and father to investigate the situation.

This means that in eight days, up to thirty farmed salmon have been pulled from the ladder at Blanda river. This is the only place in North-West Iceland where you can stop and catch these fish.

Two days had passed since the fishing company’s agents had checked the situation. Jakobsson took the scoop net out into the water and it was immediately clear that there was farmed salmon in the compartment. In total, Jakobsson and his father, Jakob Þór Guðmundsson scooped up seven farmed salmon from the compartment, as the accompanying videos show. They were assisted in the work by Jakobsson’s daughter, Hildur Kristín.

Guðmundur Haukur, Hildur Kristín and Jakob Þór with some of the farmed fish. In total, they avoided Blönda from nine Norwegian farmed salmon today. Photo/Eggert Skúlason

When mbl.is left the scene, seven farmed fish were on the shore. Later, Jakobsson went down the stairs and caught two more. These fish had lice and some of the lice still had a tail, so they had just come out of the sea.

Jakobsson scooping up the farmed salmon by the fish ladder.

Jakobsson scooping up the farmed salmon by the fish ladder. Photo/Eggert Skúlason

Reports of farmed fish in rivers are piling in. Two farmed salmon were caught in Húseyjarkvísl on Saturday. Recently four big salmon fish were spotted in the Flekkudalsá river. Both in Miðfjarðará river and Vatnsdalur river, farmed salmon were caught yesterday. In Búðardalsá river one farmed salmon was caught yesterday.

It is impossible to know how many farmed salmon have already entered the salmon rivers and it is still not possible to evaluate what is already in the ocean outside the Western part of the country.

We opened a male salmon buck and a hen, and the hens had roe and the males had milt. That’s all it takes to create the next generation, whether it be Norwegian, or Norwegian–Icelandic. These fish are headed for freshwater to deliver offspring.

The recipe for the next generation of salmon is milt …

The recipe for the next generation of salmon is milt and roe. Here are Norwegian farmed salmon that are reaching the freshwater rivers to spawn. Photo/Eggert Skúlason




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